Robyn Ellis
Robyn has been a member of Oatley RSL Netball since 1977. In that time she has been a player, umpire, coach, administrator and became President in 2007!
Robyn is also the Competition Co-ordinator and Life Member at St George District Netball Association. In 2020, Robyn was awarded the Anne Clark BEM Service Award at the Netball NSW State High Tea in recognition for her significant services to netball.

Christine Chung
Passionate about all things money, finance and netball, Christine has been the Treasurer since 2020. Nothing excites her more than finding opportunities to help the club grow. Christine is a proud player, umpire and executive member of the club.

Umpires Convenor
Nicole Hitchen
A mum to 2 netballers in the club, Nic holds a National C Umpiring Badge. In 2020 she took on the monumental task of Umpires Convenor. Nic coaches our up and rising star umpires, and you'll definitely not miss her around the courts mentoring and providing invaluable support to all our umpires.

Our Committee Members
Our committee are the glue to the club, and work together to keep the club running so it's members can play the sport we love.
We are always looking for volunteers to join our Committee and would love to have your help. If you are keen on becoming part of our Committee team please click here for more info. We look forward to hearing from you!